Body Shining
YouGov, the largest online data catalogue available, did a European survey on body shaming. Really important data tells us how many people are not even aware that they are victims. People whose bodies do not fit the ‘ideal’ canon are insulted or discriminated against – one third of people in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden have already experienced this themselves. In most cases, being a victim of body shaming is not an isolated case: among Europeans who have experienced discrimination, 36% have experienced it more than ten times.
“Body Shining” is the result of the interest of all 5 European partner organisations in multiplying and improving tools and capacities in the field of non-formal education with young people at risk of social exclusion, by sharing and combining resources, skills, experiences and good practices between them. non-formal education sector.
Reduce the act of body shaming
Promoting and explaining the concept of body positivity
Empower participants and give them tools to recognise and identify the act of body-shaming
Better understand social dynamics and cultural differences
Creating tools to value oneself and promoting the idea of the validity of every shape, colour, height, weight
Acquire a correct vocabulary
Conduct workshops and artistic campaigns
1. Book on Body Shaming
The book contains 200 testimonies – “incidents” – narrated by young people and our joint analysis of these incidents. It is divided into five chapters reflecting the different topics discussed in depth by the partners during the workshops held.
In the first chapter, MOH analyses body and fat shame, while Elan in the second chapter discusses the political body. Thanks to the contribution of Atypical, we face the topic of disabling bodies and the impact of the attitude. In the fourth chapter, Animus explain the hate speech phenomenon and the ways it reflects on the body. Finally, in the last chapter, Smouth talks about the body in the performing arts.
2. Toolkit for the prevention of Body Shaming
This toolkit aims at offering youth workers art-based training tools to facilitate their work concerning body-shaming phenomena among young people from different cultural and social backgrounds.
This book consists of a collection of methodologies developed by all 5 partner organisations. Each organisation developed and implemented 2 methodologies relating to the prevention of body-shaming phenomena in their own city, developing a video as well. Here is what we developed.
Theoretical videos
Methodologiocal videos
3. Toolkit and art workshops for body acceptance
The toolkit aims at offering youth workers art-based training tools to facilitate their workaround body acceptance for young people from different cultural and social backgrounds.
This book consists of a collection of methodologies developed by all 5 partner organisations. Each one of them developed and implemented 2 methodologies relating to encouraging body acceptance in their own city.
Methodologiocal video: tutorial on art workshop for body acceptance
4. Toolkit for artistic-campaigns to raise awareness on body shaming
This toolkit aims to equip youth workers with the skills necessary to prepare and create art campaigns with young people to raise awareness about body-shaming. The toolkit does not consist merely in an art-campaign event, but rather in the whole process of preparing for it together with the young participants.
In this manual you will find tools to plan an art campaign on the topic of body shaming and especially body acceptance using artistic creation. You will go through understanding why an art campaign is a good tool in the fight against body shaming as it is a type of discrimination deeply rooted in representation and art is a wonderful way to question and propose new representations!
Our artistic campaign to raise awareness on body shaming

Project n°: 2020-2-IT03-KA205-019530
Duration: 01.12.2020 – 31.08.2023
Coordinator: MOH

The “Body Shining” project is funded by the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships in the youth field.