Thank you!

If you’re on this page it’s because you already know what MOH, our association, is and share our commitment to youth, art and territory.

If you’re on this page, it’s also because you’ve been wondering how you can support us, reflect with us, and contribute to exciting new future projects.

What can you do concretely?

You can help MOH by contributing to the costs of project planning and organisation.
Every contribution, even the smallest, is important and will be used entirely for project expenses.

Like all non-profit organisations, we are supported by those who believe in us, our professionalism and reliability, and those who share our values.

Donazione sicura con Paypal - MOH Bari
Logo MOH Bari negative

MOH is a non-profit organisation based in Bari, which aims to promote youth mobility among young people, to create synergies with local and European associations and to trace a link between social and artistic work.

CF 93500740720 | P.IVA 08467560721 | OID E10009452 

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